Planning on your solar install should be your most important concern as it relates to:

  • When do you prefer to take advantage of the IRS Investment Tax Credit of 30% for Homeowners or 30% Direct Rebate for Non Profits and 30% Tax Credit Commercial Properties (expires year 2032) because the year you are eligible to take the tax credit or receive the Direct rebate is the tax year the solar was installed! 
  • and, you should plan on having it installed at the very time it is most useful, and that is before the spring and summer seasons when electric usage is very high
* Keep in mind that you do not receive tax credits or direct rebates if you opt to take out a lease or PPA instead of a loan or buying with your own funds. 

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How long does it take for Solar to be installed?

Solar projects take a minimum of 3-6 months for the final installation.

Many homeowners, churches and commercial property owners are unaware that there is process that needs to be followed with many governing agencies in order for approval.  

Typical process is as follows:

  1. You request a Solar proposal.  Then we have to contact the town for permit costs, inspect the roof for feasibility, run shade analysis, measure reports and then create the proposal
  2. After we submit the proposal to you, then you have to evaluate and compare with other providers
  3. Then after we agree to work with one another, the intense process starts
  4. You have to apply for the loan, lease or PPA 
  5. After approval, we initiate many steps on the back end that takes a lot of time due to we are relying on the regulator agencies to follow up with their internal inspections, analysis, and hopefully approvals…..those agencies are:  Engineers, your town, the state, your electric company.  

The process is very tedious and time consuming.  

Fortunately, we have been installing for a very long time and have ways of circumventing the process to be less painful than other solar companies.

However, we always recommend that you make a quick decision.