This page is for all Non Profits Organizations

We have 2 very generous Fundraising Ideas for your Non Profit Organization:

1. We will provide you a Free Roof to giveaway in your fundraising event.

2. We will help you raise money from local businesses to help defray the cost of the church project

Over the years, we have helped many non profits raise a substantial amount of money by giving away a free roof prize.

How the Free Roof Giveaway works

Step 1: Enroll into all regulatory guidelines (We can help you with the process);

Step 2: We will pay for and promote your fundraiser at our cost to all parishioners and members of your community (Printing of tickets, promoting the event via email, mail, public relations, etc);

Step 3: You collect the money and entries physically, and provide the event drawing on a specified date at your facility.  

We provide several prizes:  

  1. One Free Roof Giveaway ($10K max)
  2. One Roof at 20% off
  3. Two Roofs at 10% off
  4. All Entrants automatically receive 5% off any project below

How the Business Fundraising Program works

Step 1: We will provide you with all the letters, post cards, and business contact lists, etc to be mailed to all your local businesses

Step 2: Each Business that donates, will be provided a financial incentive from GenSun in a “Donation Discount” of 10% towards any home project


Fill out the form below for more information

Pastor Jeff Wertz on “Why did I join GenSun”?

The decision to join the family at GenSun was very easy.  GenSun has a long history of being honest, transparent and educational.

They believe in educating all homeowners regardless of the project they desire.  Coach Jim has 100’s of education videos on every topic imaginable.  It truly gives me the confidence that property owners are properly taken care of in a professional and transparent manner.

GenSun continues to promote family values and traditional old fashion values that have seen to have disappeared in todays society.